A list of researchers with different views on education.
Emile Durkheim.
-The main function of education is to develop social solidarity ( social unity based on 'essential similarities' between members of the society), which is necessary for the survival of the society
-Specialised division of labour in industrial countries relies on the educational system.
Talcott Parsons.
-Educational system is the main agency of secondary socialisation.
-Education develops value consensus.
-One of the main functions of education is role allocation - evaluating young people in terms of their talents and abilities and preparing for future roles in wider society.
Karl Marx.
-Economic system shapes the rest of the society.
-Two classes: ruling and working, the former exploits the latter.
-Educational system is the main agency for ideological control, which at the same time is fundamental to social control.
Bowles and Gintis.
-Close correspondence between social relationships in a classroom and those in a workplace.
-Rewards in education and occupation based not on individual's ability but on a social background.
-Found that high-grade students are obedient, conforming, hard-working and dependable rather than creative, original and independent.
-'Lads' (working class young men) rejected the school and created counter-school culture.
Mac an Ghaill.
- 'Macho lads' rejected teachers' authority and values of the school. However, working class jobs were disappearing, so their behaviour was outdated.
- There is a beginning of a 'business takeover of schools', schools will be run for profit.
-Provided the evidence that teachers gave boys more encouragement than girls to go to university. (1983)
-Stated that everyone should have an equal chance to succeed in the educational system.
-Argued that there is a link between education and economic growth.
-Social class has a significant effect on educational attainment.
-Educational system is not providing equa opportunity for all young people.
-Educational system reflects the requirement of the economic system.
-Education makes little difference to the economic growth with the achievement of mass literacy. Companies provide their own training.
-Economic and technological growths requires flexible workforce with a good general education rather than special vocational training (education which aims to provide specific workplace skills).
...to be continued....
How To Fix UK Economy
1 day ago
still behind...
You forgot Maslow. Eupsychian education fits education to the student, not the student to education.
Did you know that the Kaypro computer was invented by one of Maslow's friends? M.I.T. '40, and the inventor of the digital voltmeter.
You might want to research Koch Industries.
Have fun.
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