Tuesday, 24 February 2009

educational achievement

Factors that affect educational achievement:

Cultural deprivation.

Cultural deprivation can be defined as 'the absence of certain expected and acceptable cultural phenomena in the environment which results in the failure of the individual to communicate and respond in the most appropriate manner within the context of society.' (source)

In simple words and relating it to educational achievement, cultural capital is an absence of appropriate skills for successful studying and attitude towards learning.

Working class children are more likely to suffer from cultural deprivation than those of middle class and this can be explained by the way children are brought up in such families. They are not encouraged to study better, they are not aiming to go to the university afterwards. Working class families are also less likely to encourage such activities as visiting museums, theatres, reading books, playing educational games.

According to Hyman, ' the working class have a self imposed barrier against education.'

Cultural deprivation also means lаck of certain nоrms (rules оf behaviоur in sоcial situаtions), vаlues (belief thаt sоmething is wоrthwhile), which leads to misbehaviour and educational under-achievement.

Family break-up may also be the cause of cultural deprivation. According to Murray, wefare dependency and single motherhoоd have become part of a culture that threatens to destrоy family life and social mоrality.

Another point worth mentioning is that educational system is mostly contrоlled by middle class people, which means they may be viewed more pоsitively, and thus it deprives working class.

Material deprivation.

In relation to edcuation material deprivation happens when individuals or households are unable to affrord materials or activities which are essential for successful study. It is worth higlighting that material deprivation refers not only to the lack of educational materials, but to the living standarts as well. For example, if family can't provide appropriate accomodation for themselves it will have an impact on their children's process of studying.

Another definition for the material deprivation: 'enforced lack of a combination of items depicting material living conditions, such as housing conditions, possession of durables, and capacity to afford basic requirements.'. (source)

Material Deprivation can be presented in three dimensions:

Cultural capital.
Has already written about this one here.


chris sivewright said...

Excellent post. well-written, well laid out, with links and a diagram.

Very very good - take the next ten minutes off as a bonus!

Anastasia said...


chris sivewright said...

Is there a reason why:

a. you missed half your Sociology classes last week
b. You are behind with your Sociology work
c. Your DAILY blog has stopped?

Anastasia said...

yes, just too lazy to write every day. and sometimes I have to work on other subjects. but the main reason is the first one.


chris sivewright said...

You missed your classes because you were lazy?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anastasia said...

no I meant the reason for no blogs... i missed classes becauses i woke up late..again.

Anastasia said...

and yes, i have an alarm.. i just don't hear it sometimes.